The Plot Against America
Author: Philip Roth
Project: war – World War II
Year of publication: 2004
Pages: 391
Goodreads: The Plot Against America
“What if not Roosevelt but an anti-Semitic, popular man rose to power in America in the 40s and negotiated a non-aggression pact with Hitler? A fictional work about an alternate reality with chilling similarities with populism today.” ~RookReading
In 1940 Charles A. Lindbergh, heroic aviator and rabid isolationist, is elected President. Shortly thereafter, he negotiates a cordial “understanding” with Adolf Hitler, while the new government embarks on a program of folksy anti-Semitism.
For one boy growing up in Newark, Lindbergh’s election is the first in a series of ruptures that threatens to destroy his small, safe corner of America – and with it, his mother, his father, and his older brother.
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