
Critical Thinking & Bloom’s Taxonomy

Critical thinking is the set of intellectual skills and psychological habits that you need to solve problems, discover truths and communicate clearly . Critical thinking entails: Solving Problems: see from multiple perspectives, recognize patterns, produce […]


Novel questions

In the second part of their oral test, students will get questions on their four to eight novels. This will take about ten minutes. Not all novels will be asked, though the questions could be […]



During the assessment students need to compare two novels of their own choice for five minutes. This is a monologue in English and is to be prepared. The comparison should show that they have understood […]


Reading Journal

Students have to keep a reading journal. A reading journal is personal. They decide how to approach the journal, but they need to be able to show it to their teacher. A reading journal contains […]


Literature Oral Exam

Students need to read 8 literary novels in two years. Four novels will be assessed with specific projects. Four novel will be assessed with the literature oral exam. During the exam, five minutes will be […]